NTU SCE Final Year Project - Plan

Student: Donald Duck
Supervisor: Dr. Nachiket Kapre
Date: 11th August 2013

Download Markdown template fyp_plan.md

wget http://nachiket.github.io/advice/fyp_plan.md

To compile on Mac OS X or Ubuntu Linux with Pandoc installed, use

pandoc fyp_plan.md -o fyp_plan.pdf

Grading Policy

10% Regular 1:1 meetings The process of conducting yourself through the FYP is as important as the final product. You will be expected to attend all 1:1 weekly meetings. Exceptions only with MCs.
10% Draft plan A good engineer knows how to provision the most important resource: time, for his project. I will expect at least a rough plan outline that we revise as we execute the project.
20% Regular 15-minute group presentations (once a month) A good engineer is also a good oral communicator. I will expect short 15-minute presentations to my research group once a month. Ultimately, I want you to become confident speakers and great communicators..
30% Final report Technical report writing is very different from writing an exam. In industry, you will be expected to be precise with your specifications and communications. At the same time, you need to tell a good story. You need to connect with your reader at several levels.
20% Final presentation This should be the ultimate/improved version of your regular group presentations

Abstract (200 words)

Perspective (1/2 page)

Planning (2 pages)

Month 1 Foraging for berries and fruit
Month 2 Building hut for shelter against rain...
Month 12 Get rescued from island

Resources (1/2 page)

Reading List (1 pages)

Updated: 11th August 2013